DIFFRACTION 2004 - Proceedings

The Proceedings of the Workshop will be published by Nuclear Physics B.

Authors are informed that their contributions will not be accepted if they have been already published elsewhere.

Authors should prepare their contribution in the well-known "espcrc2" two-column format. All necessary instructions are contained in the following files:

- readme2
- espcrc2.tex (sample LaTeX file)
- espcrc2.sty (style file to be put in the same directory where the .tex file is)
- ascii.tab

The number of pages assigned for each contribution is

- 3 pages for a 20 min talk (see, however, the comment below)
- 5 pages for a 30 min talk
- 8 pages for a 50 min talk.

Exceptionally and only for a 20 min talk whose contribution contains many pictures (as it can possibly occur for an experimental talk), the number of allocated pages can be extended to 4.

The use of color pictures is strongly discouraged, since each color page costs 318 Euro, to be paid by the Author of the contribution in which the color page appears.

Each contribution should be sent as attachment in the form of PDF file (with Adobe Acrobat version 4.05 or higher) to diff2004@cs.infn.it. We suggest to send also (or even only) the source files (LaTeX + figures) so that possible minor editorial changes (to be agreed with the Author) can be done directly by the Editors in a short time.

The sharp deadline for manuscript submission is next December 15.

Authors will receive 25 free offprints of their contribution from the Publishers.

All Participants to the Workshop will receive a copy of the Proceedings from the Organizing Committee.

Any change of address with respect to the what was given in the registration form should be communicated in due time to the Organizing Committee.