Dear Participant to Diffraction 2008, this is the eighth circular of the Workshop DIFFRACTION 2008: International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics, held in La Londe-les-Maures, France, September 9-14, 2008, web site We hope you all had a nice trip back and arrived safely at home. We want to inform you that all talks are now on the Web site of the Workshop, in the page of the Scientific Program; please report any possible problem in the download. If you posted on the Web your pictures taken during the Workshop, we would be pleased to have the URL in order to put a link in our Web site. We come now to the most important point of this circular: proceedings. As you know, they will be published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and a paper hard cover copy of them will be sent to each participant. Authors are informed that their contributions will not be accepted if already published elsewhere. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the instructions given at the Web site The final outcome must be a single PDF file to be sent to the official e-mail address of the Workshop, In the Web page of AIP the copyright transfer form is also available, to be filled in and sent to Jacques Soffer by ordinary mail at the address below. The number of pages assigned for each contribution is - 4 pages for a 20 min talk - 5 pages for a 25 min talk - 6 pages for a 30 min talk. Color pictures are not allowed, due to their prohibitively high cost; if present in the manuscript, they will be nevertheless printed in black and white. The sharp deadline for the submission is NOVEMBER 15. Best regards, The Organizing Committee ############################################################### Jacques Soffer Le Zenon (A), Ave Campagne Berger 13009 Marseille France