Workshop info

Registration will be open on the afternoon of September 10 (Monday).

The Workshop will start on September 11 (Tuesday) morning and will end on September 15 (Saturday) at about noon.

The social program will include the welcome drink, the excursion and the social dinner.

The fee for participants to the workshop is fixed at 250 Euro before July 31 and at 300 Euro after July 31. It includes

Payments before the arrival should be made by bank transfer. On site registrations can be paid only in cash.

The account for the bank transfer is the following:

Conto BancoPosta

Address:Poste Italiane, Ufficio Postale di Arcavacata
Contrada Vermicelli, 1
87036 Rende (Cosenza), Italia

Holders:Fiore Roberto and Pecora Gaspare
Via P. Bucci, 31C - c/o Dip. di Fisica
87036 Rende (Cosenza), Italia

IBAN: IT 95 L076 0116 2000 0006 9974 996

In case of payment by bank transfer and later cancellation, refund will be made of the registration fee, excluding an administration charge of 50 Euro, provided that advanced written notification is submitted.

Partial financial support will be available for a limited number of participants. Applicants should send their request by e-mail to diff2010 --at-- cs.infn.it.

The proceedings of the Workshop will be published few months after the Workshop and a copy of them will be sent to all the participants.

Please note that workshops are a unique opportunity to meet colleagues and exchange ideas, projects and information, therefore the external connection (EVO) is not planned. We will consider it only in case of exceptional events.


A Certificate of Attendance will be provided for each participant.

Letter of Invitation

Participants requiring a letter of invitation in order to attend the Workshop may write to the organizers specifying the necessary details. Please note this procedure aims to assist participants who need to obtain a visa or permission to attend the Workshop. It is not an official invitation covering fees and other expenses and does not imply any financial support from the Workshop.