The Workshop will cover the following topics:
1. Experimental results and prospects
- Forward physics in hadron-hadron collisions
- diffraction at hadron colliders (LHC, RHIC, Tevatron)
- central exclusive production at LHC, RHIC and Tevatron
- forward physics at the LHC
- soft diffraction at the LHC
- gamma-p and gamma-gamma collisions at hadron colliders
- Low-x physics at LHC
- Results from LHC
- Diffraction in e-p collisions
- inclusive DIS: total cross sections, structure functions, heavy flavors
- inclusive diffraction and dijets in DIS
- hard diffractive photoproduction
- exclusive final states in diffractive DIS (vector mesons, DVCS, etc.)
- Heavy ion collisions at RHIC
- Ultraperipheral collisions
- New results on spin physics
- Future of hadronic and high-energy nuclear physics: physics at electron-positron, electron-gamma and electron-ion future colliders
2. Phenomenological approaches
- Diffraction in hadron-hadron collisions
- single and double diffraction dissociation
- multi-gap diffraction
- diffractive production at forward rapidities of heavy mesons, Drell-Yan dileptons, gauge bosons and Higgs
- phenomenology of gap survival probability
- Monte Carlo for soft processes
- Diffraction in DIS
- inclusive DIS, structure functions and partonic densities
- inclusive diffractive DIS
- vector meson production
- generalized parton distributions
- Saturation and evolution
- Analyticity/duality models of inclusive/diffractive reactions; Pomeron trajectory
- Odderon/Pomeron interference
- Phenomenology of diffraction off nuclei
- QCD studies of nuclear collisions
- Spin and polarization physics
3. Progress in the theory
- Perturbative QCD and factorization issues
- Leading-twist diffraction and the breakdown of PQCD factorization theorems
- Leading-twist diffractive DIS and nuclear shadowing
- Non-universal antishadowing
- Progress in AdS/QCD and related topics
- Diffractive dijet, hadrons light-front wavefunction from AdS/QCD, and color transparency
- New results in the BFKL physics
- New results within the Color Glass Condensate model
- New results in the color dipole/kt-factorization approach
- Diffraction from non-perturbative QCD
- Prospects in spin physics